AutoVue® Lane Departure Warning System by Bendix CVS

Protect against unwanted lane changes.

Did you know that one in four truck crashes involving injury or fatality are linked to unintended lane departures?1

A truck drifting out of its lane — even for a second — could result in a devastating accident. What if you could potentially mitigate the chance of this catastrophe taking place? The AutoVue® Lane Departure Warning (LDW) system by Bendix CVS may potentially help combat lane drift due to fatigue, distractions, and unfavorable weather conditions.

The AutoVue LDW system may potentially detect when a vehicle drifts across a lane marking. When this occurs and the turn signal is not activated, the unit may automatically emit a distinctive “rumble strip” sound or other warning, alerting the driver to make a correction. AutoVue works both day and night, and in most weather conditions where visibility is limited.

The AutoVue LDW System may potentially help you:

  • Minimize losses
  • Promote and reinforce safe driving habits
  • Develop targeted driver training
  • Boost success in CSA environment

Our AutoVue system combines advanced hardware and proprietary image recognition software packaged in a camera and Electronic Control Unit (ECU). Data generated by AutoVue is gathered and reported in SafetyDirect® (Rand McNally), a web-based portal that displays safety information. This gives fleet management the ability to develop targeted training programs to address the real issues occurring on the road.

Avoid costly accidents
2021 average costs of commercial motor vehicle crashes (2021 dollars)2

  • Average cost per fatal crash: $13M
  • Average cost per injury crash: $535k
  • Average cost per property damage-only crash: $76k

*Data from Ted Miller, Eduard Zaloshnja, Rebecca Spicer, Revised Cost of Large Truck and Bus Involved Crashes (2006), adjusted to 2009 dollars and Value of a Statistical Life (VSL)

"Safe driving doesn’t happen by accident, it can happen with Bendix."


“The investment we made to install AutoVue Lane Departure Warning System in our fleet has really paid off. There has been a significant reduction in run-off-road and rollover accidents in the trucks that are equipped with AutoVue.”

- Fleet Owner

1Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2020 | FMCSA (

2Pocket Guide to Large Truck and Bus Statistics | FMCSA (

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